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Step & Repeat Vinyl Banner with Stand


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Our Step and Repeat banner is the perfect pair for any red carpet event! Whether it’s just for your event or a way an incentive for sponsor packages, logos are shine when attendees stop to take a picture in front of this banner with stand printed on 13oz scrim vinyl. 

The size can be 8' x 8' or extend the hardware to 10' long x 8' tall for an additional fee.. Just be sure to have your file size properly and customer service aware of the size you want. 

For the same day option, simply get your design files and payment to us by 2:30 PM (Monday - Friday) and we will have your order ready for pickup (or to ship out) that business night generally between the hours of 6:00 PM and 11:30 PM

If you choose the 3-5 business day turnaround, please allow up to a week for the job to be ready or delivered / Due to the weekends and cut off times. 


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